Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Every Summer in Toronto

Every summer in T-dot seems to bring a state of unrest to the bustling metropolis.

Last year, the city-wide garbage worker strike had citizens holding their breath as they silently protested the mounds of garbage beginning to fester in the heat of summer, not daring to open their mouths for fear of the reek.

This year, protesters in the city have found not only a louder voice, but also a much more complex issue to speak out against.

With the G20 summit scheduled to take place in Ontario's capital city, downtown Toronto has received a makeover, complete with a two-kilometre-long and three-metre-high chain-link fence separating the public and the world leaders who will converge at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre this weekend.

The fence alone is estimated to have cost the government $5.5 million dollars, in addition to the security costs of hiring RCMP patrols, in cruisers, and on foot to apprehend anyone who might try to bypass the "five-tier system of security" boasted by Const. Ed Boltuc with the Integrated Security Unit at a workshop for community members held in March.

With the summits looming in the not-so-distant future, protesters have taken to the streets while they still can, protesting not only the issue of the exaggerated security, and the government's plan to create a fake-lake mimicking the Muskoka landscape for visiting world leaders, but also G20 issues such as the Conservative Government's refusal to delegate money into the movement for international women's health and protection due to the push from other nations to have the money also cover safe abortions.

The Conservative Government, true to form, has refused to make any such promise of a donation until the issue of abortion is off the table. With majority of the countries involved in the pledge being pro-choice on this issue, Prime Minister Stephen Harper may find himself under attack on this particular matter.

Protesters on the streets of Toronto are also packing on the heat for Harper, calling for increased transparency for the public into government decisions. Whether the subject may be abortion laws in women's rights, or gay and transgender rights, the issue of violence against minorities in society is on every one's mind. As such, rioters are hoping that their voices are loud enough to be heard by the G20 leaders expected on the weekend.

Meanwhile, local businesses, and transportation services are seeing a definite drop in revenue, as commuters working in the city, in particular in the Bank towers, have found themselves working from home or satellite locations until the G20 storm passes.

Smaller businesses such as restaurants and shops are also feeling the pinch, as people cancel reservations, and regulars stop coming in, due to the difficulties in reaching the downtown core by car or public transportation.

All in all, once the summit begins, the city of Toronto will truly become a ghost town. The fear of being detained by security is all too real for community members, and with many people being forced to delete pictures of the chain link fences off their cameras, perhaps this fear is not without reason.

One thing is for sure, while the G20 looms over the city of Toronto, tensions will remain high for both security personnel, and community members, as riots will continue to increase in fervor before being forced to abandon their causes, as Toronto gets set to empty.

All Torontonians can do now is stay home and hope that "the worst that could happen" doesn't happen, so that their lives can be allowed to resume in normalcy as soon as possible.

Saturday, April 17, 2010


I am currently working on a Fashion Blitz Editorial to be posted in a few weeks outlining the personal styles of modern ladies (and gents), so look for it within the next 2 weeks!

Also, I am doing extensive research on commonly used natural remedies and their naturopathic properties, so look for a Health and Well-Being segment following the editorial!

Thank y'all! <3

Thursday, April 8, 2010

It's Official: Spring Style has Sprung!

Ah spring is in the air...Can you feel it?? Well designers sure can! The proof is in the pages of Flare magazine, and the only place fashion is allowed to roam wild and free, on the streets!

After a dark and dreary winter, students from Toronto to Mississauga were more than happy to take to the streets in their fresh new digs (Saw a couple of tags still attached, gotta watch out for that ladies and gents), and bare some skin as temperatures rose to a very comfortable +20 degrees Celsius.

Yes ladies, more than a few manly biceps were seen under polo tees, and yes gentlemen, cleavage season has begun!

Dundas and Yonge streets in Toronto, and the hallways of Square One shopping mall in Mississauga (sorry locals, but we all know it's the only worthwhile place to hang..) were bustling with activity, and blooming with spring styles.

As I observed, stalked, and checked-out various stylish males and females, much to the dismay and enjoyment of my hubbster, I saw some truly adorable clothing items and accessories that made me squeal with joy, grab my credit card and....quickly put it away, after realizing it was maxed.

Two words, "student. budget." C'est la vie!

So while stopping over at my local Timmies (Tim Horton's) this evening, I made a list of all those things that made me pout like a naughty five-year-old and scream "I WANT," for the enjoyment and critique of all.

Without further ado, here they are, with pictures courtesy of man's best friend, the internets!

1) The Boyfriend BlazerChic and comfortable, the boyfriend blazer has become a staple for this spring as dresses and skirts begin getting shorter and shorts come out to play. The best part is, you can wear it with pretty much anything on the bottom, skirts, shorts, capris, skinny jeans, anything! This particular blazer is by Forever 21, and I'm digging the gray with large black buttons as accents.

2) The Over-Sized Formal Button-Down Shirt

Easy, comfortable, and classy, the over-sized shirt has made a comeback! No longer looking sloppy and tired, belts-thick or thin-have made this is a must-have look for everyday casual wear. Make sure to belt it at the narrowest part of your waist, this "dress-shirt" has literally become just that, a formal shirt worn as a cute dress. This item can be paired with leggings, Bermuda shorts, form fitting capris, or skinny jeans (depending on the length of the shirt of course), to create a chic on-the-go look. Accessories are a MUST with this item.

3) High-Waisted Skirts

Possibly my favourite item. EVER. The high waisted skirt makes petite girls look taller (YAY!). Whether you prefer the curve-definition of a pencil skirt, or the girly ruffles of a flared skirt, the wide band (or belt) cinching your narrowest part is guaranteed to make your legs look 10 miles long. This item can be paired with leggings if you're a little bit nervous about showing off too much, but is best worn with stockings, or bare legs. Feel free to add a lovely simple blouse, t-shirt, or fitted top on top, or patterned if the skirt is a solid colour. WEAR WITH HEELS! Flats and sandals are okay, but they'll cut back on the illusion of height the skirt creates.

4) The Floral Dress
Yes. For all you Gossip Girl fanatics out there this is indeed a photograph of Leighton Meester aka Blair Waldorf and co-star Ed Westwick aka Chuck on set. Here we see Leighton/Blair embracing her girly femininity in a lovely short floral halter dress, perfectly accessorized with a wide yellow belt cinching...wait for it... the narrowest part of her waist! What can be said about this outfit besides, "Wow. Want." Mile-long legs? Check. Narrow waist? Check. Spring colours? Chuck! No, wait, I meant, check. Feel free to pair with a solid cardigan in a colour pulled from the pattern, for evening when it gets a bit nippy. Accessorize with caution, the dress itself is a statement piece and too much bling will make the look tacky. Simplicity is key. Flats, heels or sandals all work, but once again, keep the look simple. Oh, Ed/Chuck looks okay too. Not too sure about those red suspenders...

5) The Nude Dress/Top
Nude is the new black as the skin-tone makes a comeback according to the May 2010 issue of Flare magazine. The pale floaty look is all the rage this spring as designers push for the acceptance of lingerie-like outerwear, rather than underwear. So ladies if you have a flirty, lacy nude corset or bustier feel free to wear it out in public. Out in public??? Am I crazy?? Actually, no, not at all. When paired with a dark cardi, or spiced up with a colourful accent piece (belt, jewelry, shoes, hairband, etc) the look is quite classy. As opposed to the floral dress, the nude tone is meant to be a base; a canvas to be worked with. So ladies, feel free to be artistic, but keep in mind, the best accessory to this colour, is a great tan. So hit the beach and get some sun! NO TANNING BEDS! They're bad for you, and addictive.

That's it for right now, but I promise I will continue to keep a sharp eye out this season for new trends, and let's see what summer brings!

P.S. With summer being bikini-season, let's start exercising and keeping out coffees non-fat, and no whip! Good luck all!

Your one and only,

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Long time, No Posts :(

Forgive me but I have sinned,
It has been forever since my last post.
Somehow I found myself lost in a world of microbiology, illness, scandal, endings and beginnings, and forgot how to communicate.

My bad.

However! I have been noting issues that require attention, and will be updating shortly. It should be noted though, that I may choose to focus on poetry and photography in the next little while. :)


Thursday, May 14, 2009

Swine Flu? H1N1? Pandemic or just Plain Paranoia?

For my very first entry I would like to bring to everyone's attention (not that everyone hasn't noticed) the fear and distress the term swine flu is having on people across the globe. It apparently originated in Mexico (as in, that's where it was first encountered) according to CBC, and has been spreading due to its contagious nature at a very rapid rate, so much so that the WHO (World Health Organization) has declared it to be a pandemic.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Overwhelmed yet? There's more. A recent article (May 9, 2009) in the Vancouver Sun, has revealed that so far, Mexico has confirmed 44 deaths, America has confirmed 2, and one woman in Alberta who also had this strain of flu, has also passed away; thus putting Canada on the H1N1 death map, with one casualty since the outbreak.

In response to the constant reminders of new cases, and casualties in the media, it appears that people are really taking the message to heart, stockpiling vitamins, Tylenol, antibacterial soaps, and hand sanitizers en mass. I could hardly believe my eyes while walking through the shampoo and soap aisle at my local Shopper's Drug Mart, when I noticed that the middle shelf (which usually holds hand sanitizers) was COMPLETELY EMPTY! I quickly snapped a photo of the little label hanging from the shelf with my cell phone, and which read, "Sorry but were out of the hand sanitizer." I was left utterly speechless. I did not know what shocked me more, the missing apostrophe in "we're," or the fact that an entire shelf could become depleted of its product so quickly and so completely. I managed to find one last pack of three mini Purell sanitizers hidden behind the shampoo bottles. My best guess to explain this mystery would be that the store tried to impose a limit on the amount of packages one tried to buy. That, or someone ran out of money. 25 packs of sanitizer cannot be all too cheap. I promptly bought the last box.

Later that week, while talking to some of my friends in Square One (the local shopping mall), I noticed a tickle in my throat and began coughing up a storm. The effect this fit of coughing had on the shoppers around me was to die for (no pun intended, I really was choking). I was shot a substantial amount of dirty looks from passers-by who began walking faster, and subtly covering their faces with their hands. Once my fit had passed, my friends promptly asked if I had the swine flu and needed to be taken to a clinic. I informed them of my dry scratchy throat, bought a drink, and sensed them relax and become comfortable with me again. W...o...w! I felt lucky to still be alive! And not because I feared I had the swine flu either! In fact, I half expected someone to come at me with a shovel, knock me out and place me in quarantine! Just for coughing in public! Note to self: Never cough in public again (at least not while people are still worried about catching the swine flu). Take heed to this advice! You never know when someone will attack you in suspicion that you might give them the swine flu!

What can I say to all of this? You may have read this and thought, "wow she should start taking this more seriously", or perhaps, "what does she know?" Fact is, I know what I observe, and never claim to know any more. However, in my honest opinion, I believe that people are taking the swine flu alert much too far. Yes it is a new strain of the disease, and yes it has killed people, but we have to remember that so far, the deaths confirmed have not been that many, and mostly in countries where good living conditions are hard to come by. Not only that, but we must resist the urge to panic. Buying 25 packs of hand sanitizer is a bit extreme, considering that as of yet, only one person has died in Canada, in a different province, and the cause of death was only suspected to be the swine flu. After all, annually the common flu virus is said to kill an average of around 4,000 Canadians, according to the Vancouver Sun. Call me crazy, but this number seems to be significantly higher than the one suspected swine flu death in Canada so far. The real shock though is that the common flu has existed in Canada for ages, but not until now have people felt the need to buy disinfectants in bulk. Not until this new, incredibly publicized, strain of the common flu. Ah! Don't you just love the smell of paranoia in the morning? Yea me neither. In fact, it smells like a thousand squirts of sanitizer as five hundred people disinfect their hands.

Perhaps I am wrong, and heaven forbid, the virus gains momentum, I will be the first one to eat my words. But until the numbers show a significant rapid increase, I'll remain a cynic. I'll see my doctor, take some Tylenol, and get plenty of bed-rest whenever I feel poorly. After all, if there's one good thing that's coming out of this swine flu scare, it's that bosses can't say anything to you when you call in sick, as they are afraid of catching the terrible swine flu themselves. So rejoice! And if you feel ill, take some time off, and relax. Because chances are, the swine flu fad will only be in style for a little while longer.

Time to Create!

I'm currently trying to organize and personalize my lil 'ol blog so I'll try to find something creative to talk about A.S.A.P. Thanks!